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Found 331 events matching "year:[1970 TO 1979]"

First woman elected student body president

Cathy Sterling was elected student body president and became the first woman to hold a major student elective post. During her presidency, Sterling led the student body in a retreat to protest the invasion of Cambodia. Her report, "Due to Circumstances Beyond Our Control," resulted in a greater student role in the spending of student fees. Sterling said of her decision to run for student body president, "A few weeks before the election, a few friends asked me to run for president, and I just did it. I don't know why I did it, but I just did."

Campus experienced power failure

NC State's campus was plunged into a complete power failure for an hour and forty minutes, starting at 11:10pm. The failure was caused by faulty equipment.

First woman received PhD in nuclear engineering

Samiha Mourad became the first woman to receive a PhD in nuclear engineering.

Pool equipment malfunctioned

Swimmers warming up for the State vs. South Carolina swim meet jumped screaming from the pool as electric timers in the pool malfunctioned and shocked the swimmers.

School of Forest Resources moved

The School of Forest Resources moved from Kilgore Hall to Biltmore Hall.

Anti-death penalty rally held on campus
Included in Student Life
Alexander Hall designated international student dorm
Leonard Nimoy visited

Leonard Nimoy, famous for his role as Mr. Spock on the television show Star Trek, spoke at Stewart Theatre.

Included in Campus Visitors
Uri Geller visited

Famed Israeli psychic Uri Geller performed at the Stewart Theatre, bending keys with his mind.

Included in Campus Visitors
circa 1973
Department of Textile Technology renamed

The Department of Textile Technology was renamed the Department of Textile Materials and Management.

Enrollment cap considered

Consolidated University of North Carolina President William C. Friday announced that NC State may need to put a cap on enrollment unless more funding could be appropriated.

International Fair held

An International Fair was held in the Student Center and introduced students to cultures and customs from around the world.

circa 1972
Department of Curriculum and Instruction established
Card catalog utilized

D. H. Hill Jr. Library utilized document card catalogs in the early 1970s. By 1975, the Libraries had adopted the computerized cataloging of book collections, which led to the development of the online catalog.

Included in: Academics; Libraries
First woman elected student body president

Cathy Sterling served as the first woman elected student body president.

Joint statement published

Student body presidents from NC State, Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill and UNC-Greensboro published a joint statement urging the impeachment of President Nixon. The statement included 12 reasons why the proceedings should begin.

Included in Student Life
Ron Jessup

Student Body President

T. C. Carroll

Student Body President

Department of Wood and Paper Science moved

The Department of Wood and Paper Science moved to Biltmore Hall.

Lu Anne Rogers

Student Body President