College of Veterinary Medicine
State College's new dairy barns were dedicated as part of the college's first annual Livestock Day. Located near the State Fairgrounds, the dairy barns eventually became a part of the College of Veterinary Medicine. Funding for construction came from the Public Works Administration.
NC State's new School of Veterinary Medicine held classes for the first time. Initial enrollment was 40 students selected from 126 applicants.
The School of Veterinary Medicine awarded its first PhD degrees to Melinda Hollingshead in August 1986 and Cathy Carlson in December 1986.
Eight of the university's academic schools were designated as colleges.
Meg Sutherland-Smith was awarded a doctorate from the CVM She previously earned a MS degree. She later became senior veterinarian at the San Diego Zoo and a leader in neonatal care of giant pandas.
David E. Anderson was awarded a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. He previously received a BS degree. He later became a professor at Kansas State University and a specialist in veterinary care of alpacas and llamas.
In 1990, Dr. Kennedy-Stoskopf joined the CVM faculty in the Department of Microbiology, Pathology, and Parasitology. Dr. Kennedy-Stoskopf was well-known for her role as the first woman veterinarian at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park and the first full-time woman faculty member specializing in zoological medicine in North America.
Krista La Perle was awarded a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. She previously received a BS degree. She later became director of Ohio State University's Comparative Pathology and Mouse Phenotyping Shared Resource, a center that supports pathology investigators utilizing animal models to study human diseases.
Bristol was interim dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Dr. Kathryn Meurs was the first woman appointed Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine and the inaugural recipient of the Randall B. Terry, Jr. College of Veterinary Medicine Endowed Dean’s Chair.