Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Ricks Hall, built by Thomas Wright Cooper and G. Murray Nelson, opened to house the Agricultural Extension Service, agricultural economics and business, agricultural information, and horticulture departments. It was named for Robert Henry Ricks.
A four-year program in agricultural administration was created within the Department of Business Administration.
G. W. Forster was hired as a professor of agricultural economics. He eventually became department head and served until 1950.
Agricultural administration curriculum became a full department and was named the Department of Agricultural Economics.
The Rural Sociology Department merged with the Agricultural Economics Department. The result of this merger was the creation of the Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Department.
Twenty-two women were listed on the faculty, most at the instructor or laboratory technician level. Departments with more than one woman employee included English (six), statistics (three), textiles (three), and modern languages (two). Women were also on the faculty in architecture, agricultural economics, mathematics, physics, social studies, chemistry, engineering, research, and agronomy.
H. Brooks James becomes department head and served in the position until 1957.
C. E. Bishop became department head and served in the position until 1966.
James "Jim" B. Hunt Jr. graduated. He later earned a MS in 1962. He became the 69th (1977-1985) and 71st (1993-2001) governor of North Carolina, making him the state's longest serving chief executive.
The Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology merged with the Department of Economics, keeping the latter name.
W. D. Toussaint became department head and served in the position until 1981.
Dale M. Hoover became department head and served in the position until 1990.
The new Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics was created in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Jon Brandt became department head and served in the position until 2012.