Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science
A degree program in textile chemistry and dyeing was established. The Department of Textile Chemistry later grew from this.
The School of Engineering was established on May 28, 1923. The school included five departments: mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, physics, and textile engineering.
Tayn Sung Thom of Hong Kong graduated with a degree in textile engineering.
Laxman Vinayak Gogate of India graduated with a degree in business administration and Shankar Krishna Marathe of India graduated with a degree in textile chemistry. They both enrolled in 1921.
Henry "Hank" Rutherford became head of the Department of Textile Chemistry, and he served in the position until 1974. While at NC State, he advanced research in radiation chemistry of fibrous polymers. In his research, he examined the durability of fibers exposed to radiation, which had applications in dyeing and finishing of textiles.
The Department of Yarn Manufacturing, the Department of Knitting, and the Department of Fabric Development merged to form the Department of Textile Technology.
Solomon "Sol" Hersh joined the faculty of the Department of Textile Technology. Previously, he received his BS from NC State in 1949. In 1995, he became the first faculty member from the College of Textiles to receive the Alexander Holladay Medal for Excellence.
Joel L. Williams was awarded a PhD in fiber and polymer science. This was the first PhD awarded in NC State's College of Textiles.
The Department of Textile Technology was renamed the Department of Textile Materials and Management.
The Department of Textile Engineering and Science was established when the Department of Textile Materials and Management split.
The Department of Textile Chemistry and the Department of Textile Engineering and Science merged to form the Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science.