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Found 6 events matching "agromeck"

First woman editor of Agromeck

Betty Ann Cline became the first woman editor of the Agromeck.

Included in: Student Life; Women
Agromeck released late

The 1945 Agromeck was printed and released late due to wartime restrictions.

First Agromeck issued
Women's student government formed

The women's student government first appeared as an organization in the university handbook and Agromeck. Christine Shepherd was the president.

Included in: Student Life; Women
Beauty Section added to Agromeck

The Agromeck announced it was adding a Beauty Section to "offer the average Joe College a chance to show his beauty-getting ability." Men were asked to send in snapshots of their girlfriends to be judged, and the top 10 would appear in the yearbook.

Included in Student Life
New monogram appeared

The monogram showing the letter "S" in block style with the letters "N" and "C" nestled within the spaces first appeared in the Agromeck.