Found 25 events matching "james b. hunt"
A groundbreaking ceremony initiated construction of the James B. Hunt Jr. Library.
Governor James B. Hunt gave a series of speeches about the importance of state funding for biotechnology, microelectronics, and a school of textiles for NC State.
The library was named in honor of former four-term NC Governor and NC State alumnus James B. Hunt Jr. The new building housed the Institute for Emerging Issues.
The speaker was Hon. James B. Hunt Jr., former Governor of North Carolina. Teresa Murchie gave the Address to Fellow Graduates. Honorary degrees were awarded to Robert H. Buckman, Alan T. Dickson, Charles E. Hammer, James B. Hunt Jr., Larry K. Monteith, and Douglas M. Orr.
The North Carolina General Assembly appropriated funding for the planning of the new James B. Hunt Jr. Library to be built on Centennial Campus.
The Oval, an open area on Centennial Campus surrounded by engineering buildings and the James B. Hunt Jr. Library, was designated as the university’s 10th hallowed place.
The dedication ceremony was attended by the first School of Veterinary Medicine Dean Terrence M. Curtin. Governor James B. Hunt, Chancellor Bruce Poulton, and UNC System President William Friday were also in attendance.
North Carolina Governor (and NC State alumnus) James B. Hunt Jr. alloted the initial 355-acre parcel of land for the university's Centennial Campus. The land was previously part of the Dorothea Dix hospital.
The commencement speaker was Governor James B. Hunt. UNC System President C. D. Spangler Jr. also made remarks. Patricia Shutt gave the Address to Fellow Graduates, and an honorary degree of Doctor of Sciences was awarded to Dr. G. Wallace Giles.
The commencement speaker was Virginia M. "Ginni" Rometty, chairman, president and chief executive officer of IBM. She also received an honorary Doctor of Sciences. Craig Dykers, founding partner of architectural firm Snohetta, received an honorary Doctor of Fine Arts. The James B. Hunt Library was designed by Snohetta.
James "Jim" B. Hunt Jr. graduated. He later earned a MS in 1962. He became the 69th (1977-1985) and 71st (1993-2001) governor of North Carolina, making him the state's longest serving chief executive.
A memorial service was held for Susan K. Nutter at the James B. Hunt Jr. Library. Nutter was the former Vice Provost and Director of the Libraries who retired in 2017 after a 30-year career with NC State University. More information about Nutter's career can be found on the Libraries' website.
Immediately after the dedication, the James B. Hunt Jr. Library won the AIA National Award and the AIA/ALA Library Building Award. In 2014, the library won the ALA Library Interior Design Award and the AIA Education Facility Design Award. It later garnered additional awards and was featured in Architecture magazine. Time magazine called it the "library of the future."
Remarks to the graduating class were given by president of the Consolidated University William Friday and Class President James M. Peden Jr. Future governor Jim Hunt (then president of Student Government) also participated in the ceremony. The baccalaureate sermon was given by Dr. James T. Cleland, dean of the Chapel at Duke University. Honorary degrees were awarded to Halbert McNair Jones, William Gardner van Note, and Conrad Louis Wirth.
Dr. John Hope Franklin, James B. Duke Professor of History Emeritus at Duke University, gave the address. Michael V. Carlone gave the Address to Fellow Graduates. An honorary degree of Doctor of Agriculture was awarded to Eugene Butler.
The commencement speaker was Dickson B. "Doc" Hendley, founder and president of "Wine to Water," a non-profit organization aimed at providing clean water to those in need. Garik Sadovy gave the Address to Fellow Graduates. An honorary degree was awarded to Dr. James H. Woodward (Doctor of Sciences).